Go Caroling


People like you have been relying on the Christmas Blue Pages for traditional Christmas carols since 1997. Originally published as the Christmas Carol Songbook, the Christmas Blue Pages has consistently helped families celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

The Christmas Blue Pages was founded by Darrel Geis, President of the Christian Blue Pages. He has been caroling for decades and has personally seen the impact it has on families during this very busy time of year.

He was inspired to launch Carol Cincinnati in 2010 as a challenge from his CEO roundtable group through At Work On Purpose. Watch the video below to learn the history of the Christian Blue Pages  and to hear stories about the lives that have been inspired through the simple activity of caroling.

History of Carol Cincinnati & Go Caroling Initiative

Watch this video on the beginnings of the Christian Blue Pages, and the history of this citywide caroling movement (the caroling portion of the video starts at 2:30).

Read Aloud Christmas Program